Friday, March 29, 2013

Health Care Reform Helping or Hurting?

Health care, it’s a necessity that every American should have access to, at an affordable cost no matter what their status is but only IF they choose to. However, now that “ObamaCare” is kicking into high gear which officially starts at the beginning of 2014, will unfortunately increases costs for younger and healthier Americans. Not only is it going to cost more for that population of people but if they do not acquire some type of health insurance they will get a penalty against them for noncompliance.
This action comes to no surprise as many insurance companies deny patients that need certain necessary procedures or charge them an outrage prices. Insurance companies will now make their premiums higher due to this new law that everyone must have some type of health coverage. So is the government and the insurance companies working together to rise costs of health insurance and then charge people if they do not have the insurance?

 Yes, because if they both had the best interest of Americans in mind they could make more options for low cost premiums or create more health care companies that could accommodate younger and healthier Americans basic health coverage. Not everyone can afford health care premiums, so many low income individuals and families will be forced to get Medicaid. This law is forcing Americans to acquire health insurance without any choices. The government is about to officially control all health care situations, insurance companies, and our health decisions. How much control is enough for the government to have on our health decisions?

Having the burden placed on some many Americans is ridiculous, both the government and health insurance companies are making money from this “ObamaCare.” And Americans are the ones who have to pay the price.
After reading The Truth About Obamacare From Someone Who Actually Read It, Health care Reform is Here to Stay and several other news articles relating to ObamaCare I have concluded that there is something more to this new law that is going to be imposed on the United States. Americans should not be forced to maintain health insurance while all the health care companies are raising their prices.



Friday, March 8, 2013

Youngsters and Incarceration

The author's intended audience for the editorial Better Care for Young Offenders is directly aimed towards the states. The author even stating at the end of the editorial saying, "Mr. Listenbee should encourage the states to lock up fewer young people." I believe the author's credibility was to be just that, credible. He brought up some very interesting facts up about the punishment of juveniles and the effects of the harsh punishment. He argues that if state would change the policies of juvenile punishment to investing more in community rehabilitation instead of incarceration; then the juveniles would have better success in life in the long run. The author uses a few percent values and numbers value for his evidence, to support his claim that as more states change their policies the rate of incarcerated juveniles is becoming reduced. There is great logic in this editorial, I mean why would states incarcerate the youth? I completely agree with this author, I to understand there will be some juveniles that may need to be behind bars like ones that commit murder or rape. But I definitely think there should be an alternative method of punishment before incarcerating a juvenile. Becoming involved with the community and making positive changes with family like through counseling or self-improvement classes could benefit the youth offenders greatly.